Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Voodoo of Vocabulary

Have no fear, Know-it-all-Genie is here! Lately, I have noticed there are words that provoke a lot of emotion in people and NEED to be re-defined for those arguing from different angles on all sorts of topics, so let me compile my usual list and hopefully, you will not fear or misinterpret ever again!

PROCESSED: Anytime we hear the word "processed" in context of another thing, it really matters what that subject is processed with. For example, if I were to say, "The cheese is chemically processed," then go ahead and worry what chemicals that cheese is processed with. It sounds unsafe to consume cheese that is said like, "The cheese is processed." Fear not, the word "processed" is implying that the metaphorical cheese was produced within a routine. A process is basically just a routine production arrangement. Nothing more. If someone suggests you should be scared of consuming anything processed, then further inquire what routine in the production arrangements made the item unsafe. Requesting this information will show you are smart and thoughtful about what is communicated-instead of intimidated into thinking like other people who are afraid of processed foods!

GLUTEN: Gluten is not a chemical that most people should fear. Some people are allergic to seafood, peanuts or strawberries... Then there are people who are allergic to gluten. Gluten is just the naturally occurring substance in many grains used to make breads, pastas, desserts and other goodies-even fruit snacks. Gluten is the substance that holds the food item together. It is sticky and is what helps give bread its texture. If your bread resembles a piece of Styrofoam, it may be listed as "gluten free". Gluten is not harmful or dangerous. Some people are allergic to it, but it isn't bad for you. There is literally no solid proof that says otherwise. Gluten has been eaten for millions of years without consequence, there is literally no reason you should insist on getting items that are "Made without gluten" or "gluten free" unless you are allergic to gluten. Gluten items in a bakery should simply be listed as "highly overpriced bakery items made for highly allergic people who need hypo-allergenic food."

GMO: Genetically Modified Organisms- Another scary mouthful of words! If you every wanted to take the primmest foods or animals and wanted the best qualities of both parents in the offspring, then you yourself are guilty of genetically modifying or changing nature. When scientist want to make a strawberry bigger and richer in vitamins, they may breed that plant with another highly nutritious strawberry plant to create a really healthy and awesome strawberry that would not likely occur in nature on its own. Taking the two best genes in the gene pool and putting them together is not a bad thing, it is making things better by modifying the families that those foods or animals came from. "Genetically modified?" So what! And organisms? Anything that lives is an organism. If someone ever refers to GMO's as "Frankenfood" to sound like "Frankenstein", just remind them that GMO is often making things better than the way they occurred in nature, not worse. When someone says that GMOs are bad, it is probably because they are like the people who fear new technology or discoveries-like people who told Christopher Columbus in the 1400's that the world was flat. Do not be afraid of change. Always learn from it!

CORRELATION: Ah yes, "correlation" is a word to show a relationship of two different things that are similar in one way or another. Correlation is often used to imply a "cause" or a reason for something to happen. If someone ever says that "Correlation is not causation", then they are right! If you need an example, pretend someone says, "All burglars eat bread, so therefore we should ban bread." It is true that all burglars probably eat bread, but that never means that bread causes you to become a burglar. Lots of good people who do not burglarize eat bread. You got to recognize that yes, there is a relationship, but the relationship is not the cause for concern.

LIKELY/PROBABLE: This one should be obvious, but you should still think about it. If something is said to "likely" happen, it doesn't always man that something will happen. Do not confuse a definitive statement with a probable statement. If something "probably" will happen, then it is highly possible, not that it will. Probably allows wiggle room from a person making a final confirmation. If your mother says, "I probably will not go out tonight." She may as well say, "I might not go out tonight." Likely and probable are ways to gauge the chance something can or will happen.

LIBERAL: Freedom! Liberal means you are unrestrained. If you are liberal about something like, butter on popcorn at the movies, then you like to have no limits on how much butter is seasoning your popcorn-complete freedom. 

CONSERVATIVE: What a careful word! Being conservative is playing  it safe, having boundaries-not completely letting things go. Compare and contrast the word "liberal" with conservative, and you will find that people who define themselves as "liberal" think there should be no rules, while conservatives want rules and guidelines to be safe and protected. Conservative people may be more thoughtful and picky when it comes to making decisions... instead of "letting it all hang out." As you may be able to see, a balance of both these concepts are very important. Some people like safety and will seek for a parent or government to add filters and rules, while liberals would prefer to let anything and everything be available- safe or not. How conservative are you? Depends on the issues for most of us. Take the topic for a child crossing a busy street. Should a child have the rule to cross the busy street with an adult or the complete liberal freedom to cross without the protection of an adult? For people that value freedom above boundaries and rules designed to protect are typically liberal; while people who value protection of boundaries and rules above unregulated, thoughtful freedom will typically be conservative. 

DEMOCRATIC/REPUBLIC: "Democratic"-Another word that means freedom! In politics, you have democrats and republicans. Democratic in American government implies that the people have freedom to speak what they want- a "democracy", while republicans are conservatives who like some level of rules.

PRIDE: The word "pride" has so much overlap when it comes to good and bad meanings. Good pride is "I take "pride" in my work", "I am proud of my child." Good pride is typically something of great impression or superiority, something to be happy about. Bad pride is to be vain, cocky, demeaning, and a bully. An example of negative pride is when two ethnic groups think they are better than each other. When a Chinese man prides his intelligence above an English man, it is insulting to the English man who can also be proven very intelligent and not inferior in the slightest. Both are good and not to be putting down one to build the other one up higher.

FORGIVENESS: We all heard the phrase, "Forgive and forget." It is important to not let the wrongs of the past continue to relentlessly pester you and offend. Forgiving is not to say that you have to trust or believe that the offense won't occur again, it just means you are going to let go of the thing that offends. For example, if a little boy likes to eat his sister's favorite snacks, the sister may forgive her brother by opting to not worry about her favorite snack, but she may be wise to not trust her brother not to do it again. Sister might be smart to hide her favorite snack for herself next time so that her brother doesn't keep doing what annoys her. Re-trusting someone is not the same as forgiving. Forgiving simply means "letting go". Trust is a funny thing. Trust takes a lifetime to build, and a second to destroy!

JUDGEMENT: When someone does something wrong, they may say "Don't judge, don't pass judgement." Number one thing, it is impossible to not judge someone. Even the person saying, "don't judge" is judging that other person is or will judge them. If you don't want someone to hold you accountable or to cast blame at you, then do not say, "Don't judge". Learn to say, "Please excuse/pardon me, "let it go", "sorry for the offense" or "please forgive me." instead.

PECULIAR/INTERESTING: Another word with overlap. Neither the word "peculiar" or "interesting" mean anything strange, weird or bad. Frankly, both mean they stand out, are unique, special, rare or one-of-a-kind. While both these words are used to avoid offending when something is bad or awkward, the original meaning of both words are meant to engage attention or to be different. 

SENSITIVE: Being "sensitive" means to "really notice". When someone is sensitive, it means they may be able to really notice or be aware of what is going on. When your vacuum is sensitive, it may be able to really notice dirt and debris, while sensitive hearing may cause a headache from to much hearing stimulation. Sensitive is just to be extremely aware.

PATHOLOGICAL: "Patho" is the Latin word for sickness and illness. "Ology" or any form of it is the Latin word for "study or subject or direction of" and "ical" is the ending to put the two words together. If someone says you are a "pathological liar", then they may imply that you are mentally or psychological too sick to be found honest. It's a mean example, but that was the most common expression it relates to. Don't be hard on yourself. After all, it wasn't English they are speaking!

Comment if you have any other words you would like me to clarify.

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