Tuesday, April 5, 2016

I wish...

Do you ever wish you had your very own genie? I bet you have wished in addition to wishing for your own genie that you could have infinite wishes. Perhaps your genie could immediately sense what topic or information you needed on any little question or issue that pops up in your head and could better appease the thought than a Google search! Sure would be nice to have awesome; to-the-point advice on everyday things like: "How can I tell when a person is lying?", "How to win the heart of your crush.", "How to spot a scam.", "How to clean like a professional.", "How to cook last minute meals.", "How to compromise", or even, "Was that dream last night significant or the result of what I at last night?" Regardless of the many random thoughts or situations that can occur in your life, the genie has something to add to your life as informative best friend and support, to a clever and wise teacher! If you ever wished there was somewhere to obtain inspiration and information to get your mind flowing, then look no further than the Magic Perspective of a life-improving information genie to be your companion in expanding your mind and provoking your thought!

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