Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Relationship Talk-DTR

Modern-day relationships are evolving. Relationships used to be simpler. You like someone and you think they might like you back. "I wish I knew if this is a love interest." Does my crush return the sentiment? Would it be too hard to believe that the easiest way to know for sure is to ask, "How much do you like me?" This is the safest and easiest scripted line to probe a "DTR" (define the relationship). 

Responses like, "You're my best friend!" can be the most unclear response. If you receive this answer, the most appropriate response is to follow up with the question, "Are we just friends?" This question following is painstakingly obvious and if you feel that you have an interest in being more than just friends, then you may add that to the conversation. At this point, just Listen to the reply in its fullness! 

If your heart aches to rejection by an unacceptable rejection, then CUT YOUR LOSSES and realize that if your " just friends" are this fantastic then your "more than friends"/ love relationship has got to be unimaginably dreamy! As long as you don't dwell on the rejection, then you don't risk your broken heart interfering with a real catch when it comes along in the future! Now, what if you hear the opposite? You say, "Are we just friends?" and your reply comes to you, "We're friends, but I'd like to keep seeing you and see where this goes, I'd like to give it some time." This may not initially sound good, but this is actually a "Maybe yes" reply! So don't give up.

 Sometimes it may go just where you want. If you feel like the reply was just being said because your crush didn't want to hurt your feelings, then they are actually doing you a favor! How? Because they are allowing you to not drastically damage the current friendship and allow you to get your feelings in check. Maybe they hope your feelings will fizzle out and you can keep your awesome friendship. This is what you do in the "maybe yes" situations. 
Last but not least, you get an approval... Now what? You're wish has been granted, so go celebrate!

Now who can't love Studio C? Here is an additional video to shed more perspective to the subject:

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