Saturday, April 9, 2016

Mental Magic-Depression/Anxiety & Diverting Crisis

Sometimes life is more challenging than you or someone you know may be able to stand. Either you have so much going on, no sleep and no one understands or appears to notice your struggles. If that does not describe you, you may not be the check-list type of person, but you feel isolated and alone. Even if no one is particularly mean to you or belittled you to nothingness- you somehow can feel this very feeling and nothing seems to help make you happy. Does any of this sound familiar? If so, then you have experienced a little something that some people did not live through. Many suicides have resulted from not feeling the spice of life. Suicide is an extreme that I would hope you never reach. Every person lives for a reason and everyone has something to live for. Life is very important. While not everyone expresses the impacting role that you play in their lives... YOU ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO THE WORLD! If you or a loved one is having some dark days, I have put together a list to help you climb our of your weaknesses and triumph to a new life. These are simple things you have to do before you can try before you see better days. No doctor is necessary for this list; just your commitment and willingness to patiently cope through the to-do list! Be sure to not be drastic and seek a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You can also seek help if you decide you have reached "the end." Information will be stated underneath the list of pick-me-ups below.

1. Create a collage of all the people, places, and things you love and write down why you love the things you have put there.

2. Adopt a pet or visit the humane society if you cannot have a pet. Remember that there is always good in the world and life outside the cages.

3. Take time to meditate or practice self-hypnosis. This will help you to learn things to inspire others and learn about yourself. This can be a positive way to utilize time by yourself and re-direct negative thoughts. Relax and learn how to kick depression in the butt once and for all!

4. Create an honest video about your feelings and while remaining positive, post online to inspire others and connect with people who really do "get" what you are feeling and make friends from a self-made support group. People will admire you and praise your courage and honesty.

5. Go get a massage or read a book on massage on physical tricks you can use self-massage to reduce the anxiety and help you relax-regardless of your crazy circumstances.

6. Pick a beautiful instrument and take fifteen minutes to play a relaxing tune. Music can be extremely therapeutic and the right music can stir your soul to feel nostalgic of better times, happiness, sadness. Everything emotionally is possible, so pick up a good and upbeat song.

7. Going back to music, try to learn dance. Exercise helps to you let off steam, improve your figure and feel better about yourself. (Just another helpful tip: the bigger you are, the easier it is to lose the weight than a thinner person, so if size is a downer- then you can drop down sizes the more you manage to include fun exercise.)

8. Start a blog about something you feel serious about- or just keep a hidden record of it. Private records are great company to yourself and your better future self when everything changes for you from the thing you did.

9. Make a movie and ask others to join you for fun. Collecting movie casts helps you to realize what people are available to your life that you didn't realize before.

10. Write letters to people in your life and tell them how they have positively impacted your life- this reminds you and others of the healthy relationships you have in your life. Focus on the good relationships, because it will help you feel better about letting go of toxic people in your connections.

11. Create a scrapbook and collect memories to keep you going through the hard times. Remember to keep all the old birthday cards, compliments written in notes or letters, or photos people have shared with you. You can also print the activities off social media to remember the good times.

12. Adopt a grandparent at a local nursing home.

13. Secretly do annonymous good deeds for people. It drives them crazy to not know who you are and it helps everyone- believe it or not! Ding dong ditch cookies on someone's doorstep or leave secret love notes to create some level of excitiment.

14. Go do something fun to do when you are completely by yourself like buy bread to feed the ducks or birds in your local parks. Go swimming, ride your bike, play solitaire, play with your hair, sew a blanket that makes others jealous. Honestly, find within yourself what that thing might be. 

15. Get a job that you actually like. It is okay to tell potential employers you will need two weeks prior to starting. Being employed elsewhere makes you more employable by showing that you chose the new job for your own interests-even though you had a job to sustain yourself. Sometimes being happy with your job is worth a minor cut in pay sometimes.

16. Sit back and enjoy a comedy sketch to laugh the anxiety away. Laughing is a great and healthy way to snap out of a funk. Many of the best comedians have used real problems in their lives to laugh at. Laughter is a great self-defense mechanism to relax and heal the soul. Oft times people laugh at your pain, not you per se'. The more relate-able your circumstances, the better it is at connecting people in friendships and healthy relationships!

17. Imagine ways that the skills you learn from your challenges become your strengths and opportunities. later. Many famous celebrities and actors launched their careers during their rock-bottom days. Denzel Washington scored his first movie after being beat up and auditioning as a man close to death when seeking a job in Hollywood and got the part! Anne Hathaway landed "The Princess Diaries" movie when she had to put on the part of being a clumsy Princess Mia. She fell out of her chair in the auditions and accidentally launched a successful movie career thereafter. 

The most important thing to realize is that there are always better ways to get over a problem you are dealing with. Google something honestly, there are so many more things you can do without harming yourself or others. Cope with your troubles healthfully and be surprised what you find. Turning to sex, drugs, alcohol, abuse, bullying or letting yourself become a bad person will not make the problem go away with what you feel. All these things make you feel worse. If you find that you are seeking a more permanent, harmful and simple way out-suicide or self-torture; for example, then seek help!

For international help, visit here first:
For United States Suicide help: Text "Safe" to 741-741- It's completely confidential. You can also call: 1-800-273-8255 which is also completely confidential and available in English or Espanol!

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