Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Magic of Dreams

Dreams are interesting things. Sometimes dreams are the result of what your active brain does while you remain inactive through sleep, and other times, the content is more significant. Dreams can carry warnings, special revelation (ability to foresee an upcoming event), and if anything- can be a vividly entertaining story. Regardless of the purpose of your dreams each night- themes and things about you can arise in keeping a dream journal. Many professionals within the psychological fields of study and practice have used dreams as a engaging and significant form of their research and hypothesizing.

 Imagine what you can learn from the different dreams you have night after night. I like to envision the meaning of dreams as a way for my mind to communicate and exercise a rehearsal of things that are important to me or to impact me greatly. For example, I may hypothetically dream that my boss was in love with me and that I have to somehow dodge inappropriate reactions and still keep my livelihood/employment. What should I do? The dream will be running through scenarios of what I can do when and if given situations plays out. These sorts of dreams help to develop strategies to many significant things. Below are some common dreams and their potential meanings to apply to your situations!

Nudity or insufficiently clothed: These dreams usually do not feel sexual or pleasant. Dreams suggest nudity or wardrobe malfunctions to represent being vulnerable or ill-equipped to a unique task ahead of you. If you imagine others in their underwear when giving a speech, it can typically increase your sense of security by increasing the vulnerability and exposure of the daunting audience. Wardrobe malfunctions are vivid and embarrassing. If you dream that you go to school naked and everyone is bullying you about it, then perhaps this dream could suggest that you feel inadequate socially at school.

Losing Teeth: Many people who have had braces may somehow have the frightening dream of what it is like to have little or no teeth left. Braces hurt so much during tightening and adjustment periods, that it is not unlikely or even uncommon to feel like your teeth can break off or simply fall out. These dreams are vivid and more scary than you would expect. You will wake up in a sweat and licking all over your mouth to make sure your teeth are still there and that you did not just dream you lost all your teeth!

Death: When you dream of death, it usually means that you are leaving behind an important part of yourself or relationship. Death represents the past and a reminder that all good and bad things in the present and the future do not last forever. An example of a dream people experience is overcoming their phobia of driving or swimming- once the issue or past experience is over- you may dream of yourself or a loved one dying that you associate or to represent the lost phobia or experience from the past.

Pregnancy: Woman who are pregnant often dream they deliver a litter of kittens... It seems random that kittens are the most common symbol, but pregnancy can indicate that you are concerned and must prepare for parenthood, that you have something new and exciting on its way, or that you have immeasurable potential growing inside you! All these things are usually induced in woman who are pregnant, but if a man dreams it- the best interpretation of this meaning is to thing that men wonder at the miracle of pregnancy and birth or have something within themselves that can foresee or explain.

Birth: Typically, anything birthed represents new life- an opportunity to restart something, or renew and refresh you for possibilities that did not exist before. If you have given up on an idea in the past, it is possible that the dream is revisiting the reality and possibility of something that was unable to occur before. Birth is often a gift and an offering of prestige. Blessings in disguise are often the case when it comes to a new beginning and birth!

Being Stuck: Ever try to run from something or someone in your dream and can't? Are you frightened? Can you wake up even fast enough? This is related to sleep paralysis. Dreams can be frightening every now and again, and your body will literally paralyze you for the time you are asleep to prevent injury to your bodily health. This is a real scientific fact that I discussed in school time and time again. If you ever feel hot- the dreams can often turn to nightmares, but typically if you are in a deep sleep and can't move, that is a good thing! People who sleep walk and sleep talk need reason for concern as part of  their brain isn't functioning correctly if the interactive sleeper can get up in the night and unconsciously injure themselves. If you are concerned about someone who must be supervised during sleep- seek to set an appointment with a neurologist or sleep specialist.

Soldier/War: Sometimes dreams show ourselves engaged in battle. We may feel like our daily challenges are represented by this. People who have ever really been a soldier or fought a battle or war may experience this with some level of diagnosis PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). A dream in this setting can often encourage you to show some true spirit, courage and wisdom.

Can you think of more? Feel free to add questions or input. What do you think your dreams mean?

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