Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Magic Laughter

Ever wonder what laughter can do for you? Laughter is something the world should LET happen. Laughter helps to relieve intensities in relationships (when laughing at appropriate times of course), and can boost your health. You may already know that laughter can help boost endorphins to help your body to feel really good, but did you also know that it can boost your health by increasing your immune system? It is TRUE. I'd cite a bunch of sources that would agree, but I think it would be harder to Google the dopes who disagree with that fact than the billions of other doctors and professionals who will back it up. So, you decide, "Okay, I'll believe you, but how does it do as you say?" Well, you may have heard of a hormone released by your body called cortisol. Cortisol is also known as, "The stress hormone." Stress in high amounts will weaken our immune system, while small amounts will give it enough challenge to strengthen it. 

Stress is not all bad, and I think this video with Kelly McGonigal from Ted Talks does a great job to explain more about this:

After watching what she had to say, you may still think, "That was long, but she basically just re-stated what the know-it-all-genie just said." Point made. If you still feel like stress is more bad than good, then, watch the next video and observe. Notice that being asked to laugh without a smile is hard to do? Legitimate laughter cannot be genuine if you do not feel a sincere humor. Smiling is a must, because laughing without a smile feels too counterfeit to achieve results.

In the end, laughing must be sincere because it takes away the tension. There is a reason some learn to use laughter as a defense mechanism. It relieves stress to reduce excess cortisol, which can trash your immune system. If you are ever feeling "blue", then laughter and sincerely allowing it, can boost your immune system, mood and overall well-being and health. Laughter is sometimes the best medicine. Find a way to laugh today and everyday! 

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